Puff Dough
By Iris Kalderon May 29, 2014

Delicate Puff dough remains juicy and tender even hours after baking.

Ingredients :
1 kg sifted flour
2 cups cold water (400 ml)
1/2 cup vinegar 5% (70 ml)
Teaspoon salt
Teaspoon of sugar
1/2 cup canola or sunflower oil..

600 g butter to fold


In a Mixer bowl Put all the liquid, followed by the dry (not butter).

Knead with a dough hook, all the ingredients, for 8 minutes until the dough is smooth.

Divide the dough into two equal parts, 

Place on a floured work table, cover with plastic and wait 15 minutes.

Using a rolling pin, roll out 300 grams of butter between two baking paper, leaf sizes 20X20.

Butter should be cold - it is important that the same degree of hardness of dough and butter.

Roll out the dough into a rectangle sized 20X30.

Place the butter on approximately two thirds of the dough and fold the unbuttered third part on the smeared.

The remaining buttered third part, fold on the folded part (where there are already two leaves).

The first fold was done. Now place the dough in the fridge for half an hour.

Take the dough and roll out again into a rectangle sized 20X30. Fold the same way, this time without the butter and 

refrigerate for half an hour.

Repeat this action a third time, and refrigerate for at least an hour.

The Dough is ready to go.

If not used immediately, spread over a sheet of nylon roll and freeze until use.

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